Get to know our collaborative partner, the Duke Ellington School of the Arts.
Guided by the theme “Foundation,” the DC Music Summit’s fifth annual conference will be held at Duke Ellington School of the Arts. The 2022 Summit is a collaborative effort between the DCMS and the Duke Ellington School of the Arts. Ellington students will be integrated with the core DCMS team of volunteers putting on the summit. Technical Design and Production (TDP) students will work along side professionals and volunteers doing the tech work necessary to put on the summit. It will be a masterclass, an in-depth and intensive learning experience. For the 125 TDP students, student performers, and other student volunteers, the summit will be an opportunity to grow their pre-professional skills working alongside industry professionals.
Additionally, the 2022 Summit will be an educational opportunity for students and faculty. The 2022 Summit sessions are free to all Ellington students and faculty. Session tracks at the 2022 Summit include: community development, youth development, business management, marketing, wellness, professional development, and thriving through difficult times. The Ellington students will gain access to a diverse community of industry professionals and artists from the D.C. area. Like all Summit participants the Ellington students and faculty will have the option to attend the three-day event or create a custom schedule based on an array of programming, including workshops, information sessions, industry panels. Emerging Ellington talents will have networking opportunities, attend live performances by some of the biggest names in the local scene; and be given the opportunity to participate as vendors during the Summit.
In addition to working and participating in the weekend sessions Ellington students will also participate in a for-student only panel on Friday, October 14, 2022. Ellington faculty members will participate on the Friday panel and the Saturday arts education panel. We look forward to our collaboration with the Duke Ellington School of the Arts.